Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Living the green life

Perhaps one of the easiest and most obvious ways to be green is by planting a tree. Trees essentially help reduce global warming by cleaning the air. As many of you should know, trees breath in carbon dioxide, this gas helps cause global warming. So the more trees out there that help get rid of this gas the better.
You could plant a tree for the fun of it or make it a family event. Plant a tree to celebrate new life, a new marriage, a wedding anniversary, or a move into a new home. One fun thing you can do is have each of your kids plant a baby tree. Allow your children to take care of it and watch it grow as they grow.
You could plant any kind of tree, so have fun with it.
Get out there plant a tree and watch it grow!
Here are a few websites I found helpful and full of information.

a great tree guide

explains how to plant a tree or shrub


  1. wonderful. also i feel that buying products that treat the earth and God's creatures the way that was originally planned is one more "perk" (essential) of buying organic.

    watch "fast food nation," "king corn," and "the corporation" for good examples of the crap that farmers and corporations are selling and feeding to us just to make more money. (or perhaps i'm just brainwashed by political documentaries?)

  2. thanks for the comment laura! i will totally be checking those out!
